Solar Panel Radiation: What You Need To Know

EMF Blockers

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Solar panels can be seen everywhere now in many neighborhoods around the country, as solar energy receives more positive praise for its economic and environmental benefits. 

These panels are known for their minimal pollution and the ability to generate large amounts of electricity. The most important aspect is that they are reliable and convenient to be used by many people, even for those off-the-grid. 

Despite their high cost of installation, it is still among the best options when it comes to safety and financial gain over time. 

However, we need to realize that everything comes with advantages and disadvantages. In this case, solar panels also emit EMF radiation, which has been among the leading causes of various health problems. 

The good news is that we can still enjoy the benefits of solar energy as long as we take some easy and essential steps to protect our family and us from solar panel radiation. 

By reading this article, you will be in a position to decide if the risks are worth it or not. I have included various aspects to help you lower the levels of exposure to solar panel radiation. 

Read on and find out.


Solar panel radiation

Solar panels utilize sunlight, which is processed into electricity through a converter. The electricity that can be converted can be approximately 120V, which can be used to power various devices. 

The excess energy can be stored in batteries for later use, especially when sunlight is not available. 

Some people are getting some profit by selling this excess energy to their electric company. This requires the use of an inverter, which will channel the energy to the power lines. Monitoring of the generated electricity is done through a smart meter that wirelessly transmits power data to the company.

In this process, low-frequency RF-EMF radiation is emitted by the circuit, in the form of dirty electricity, or by the smart meter.

To make sure you are not increasing your EMF radiation exposure at home, you will need to follow various steps to monitor the EMF levels and minimize the risks associated with solar panel radiation.


Check if You Have a Smart Meter

Smart meters are convenient for the electricity company, but they may impose serious health risks for the user. 

The meters collect the readings of electricity used in a particular property and send the data to the electricity company, using radio-frequency. These meters emit high amounts of RF-EMF, which can be transmitted to the other areas, like your living space, garden, etc. If you have one installed, it will considerably increase the EMF radiation in your house.

If you don’t know if you have one, you can check with your electricity provider, and they’ll be able to let you know. 


Be Aware of Dirty Electricity

Solar panels network also emits dirty electricity. This is a phenomenon where there is more electricity available than it is used. The function of the inversion process is to make sure this excess is converted to usable power. The invertor has to convert Direct Current (low voltage) from the solar panels into Alternating Current, which is a higher voltage used in most appliances at homes. This process also results in ELF-EMF emissions, which affect the overall radiation in your home.


Why Should You Be Concerned

The World Health Organisation has established that EMF is a potential carcinogen, as studies have shown that RF-EMF and ELF-EMF have been linked to various types of cancers. 

A particular study showed that leukemia in children can be caused by the proximity to the power lines. 

Other studies have shown various health conditions that are associated with RF-EMF radiation. These conditions range from miscarriage, male infertility, to glioma and other cancers. Individuals who are highly sensitive to radiation can also experience depression, fatigue, and nausea.

Solar Panel Radiation

How to Minimize Exposure to Solar Panel Radiation.

 If you are already using solar panels at home as a source of electricity or you are interested in switching to solar energy, you need to understand that there are some risks you need to minimize. The good news is that it is easy, and you can reduce the risks through the following:


#1. EMF meter

If you don’t have an EMF meter, and you are serious about protecting your family from EMF radiation, you should purchase a high-quality EMF meter capable of detecting RF radiation, as well as magnetic and electric fields. 

It is good to run some tests to see if the meter is capable of detecting these frequencies. The lower range is usually about 3,000 Hz, while the higher range can be 20 kHz-3,000 Hz. Your equipment should be in a position to detect both the RF-EMF and ELF. 

That is why we’ve always recommended the Trifield TF2, which is the best value you can find out there right now for a meter of this quality. 

After purchasing a meter, you should check your EMF radiation levels before and after any change, so that you can make adjustments. This is made possible by taking measurements and recording in a spreadsheet so that you can effectively monitor and evaluate the EMF levels.


#2. Smart meter covers

Smart meter covers are essential in any household because it helps in blocking out EMF radiation that comes from electricity meter. The most reliable option is to get a smart meter cover, which requires easy installation. Our recommended shield is the Smart Meter Cover RF Radiation Shield, which has been independently tested and reduces RF-EMF radiation from smart meters by 98%. Alternatively, you can make your smart meter cover by using EMF repellent materials and aluminum foil.

Apart from using a smart meter, you need to use some radiation barrier around your home that repels back the EMF radiation from outdoors. The objective is to prevent radiation from leaking through the walls. 

You can hang a physical barrier in the form of a surface adhered to the wall or apply EMF protective paint wherever it is needed. The physical barriers are easily available, or you can use some material that repels EMF, such as aluminum foil, and you’ll also need something that absorbs EMF, like a copper material.

If you decide to use the paint instead, we recommend Woremor’s 5-liter RF-shielding paint. It will block up to 99.998% of EMF radiation just after two applications.


#3. Dirty Electricity meters and Filters

Dirty eletricity meters and filters should be used alongside smart meter covers. These meters detect dirty electricity, which is a result of extra electricity in the electrical wiring system in your home. 

You will need to plug the meter in two different rooms and see which one has the highest values. You can then test it using the dirty electricity filter, which helps by dissipating the excess electricity.

An excellent dirty electricity meter is the one made by Greenwave. This is a great option. It displays the amount of dirty electricity in your home, and it’s extremely easy to use. 

The filters are especially helpful. Greenwave also manufactures great filters that you can check here. Most average-sized rooms would need just a couple of filters.


Reduce the Overall EMF Radiation Levels in Your Home

There are still lots of more things you can do to reduce the radiation levels in your home. Some of these methods include switching CFLs and LED bulbs to incandescent bulbs. You can also use a WiFi router guard or use a wired internet connection instead.

Additionally, an EMF meter is essential when trying to work out how to lower the EMF radiation levels. That is why you need to measure the levels before and after any change and take notes so you can make adjustments.


Final Thought

Every piece of technology has its downsides; it is essential to familiarise yourself with the risk associated with new technology before making a decision. 

Solar panels have lots of benefits, but it is important to understand that they can be potentially dangerous too, and precautions need to be taken. 

Follow our advice in this article and enjoy cheap, clean electricity in a safe home.

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